Engage, Inspire, Educate

with progressive Chiropractic content to change lives and grow your practice!

Valentine Special

Use Coupon Code: vald49 and received $49 off your first month!

Spend your time serving your community

and let us serve you chiropractic content to attract + inspire your ideal patient to experience the healing power of chiropractic in your office!

Meet Dr. Erica

As a chiropractor who has built a Million Dollar Practice I know that it can take a lot of time and energy and resources to create a successful social media marketing plan!

That’s why we are here to take the hard out of it and help you dominate social media with more ease and IMPACT!

The days of searching for content, sacrificing tons of your personal time, and struggling to be consistent on social media are over!

Our goal is to help you Compress Time, Create Community & MAXIMIZE YOUR IMPACT by giving you engaging turn key Chiropractic Content to keep your brand and presence consistent and powerful!

Leveraging social media has the ability to give you a unique and powerful voice in the marketplace without:

  • Killing your personal time
  • Wasting tons of money
  • Burning out your staff
  • Attracting the wrong patients

Here's How It Works

+ Join our convenient monthly subscription (cancel anytime)

+ Get added to our Exclusive Members Only Facebook Group

+ Level up your marketing game immediately with our turn key graphics and content! Copy + Paste + Customize and Post!

+ Then engage with your community as they start to like, comment, and share!

+ Experience more Freedom, Growth, and FUN in the practice than ever before!

What You Get

Social Media Posts + Stories

+Weekly Chiropractic Wellness Education with Graphics & Content to copy/paste and automate + customize if you want for an extra spark!

+ Turn Key & Customizable Graphics to use in your social media stories and on your timeline paired with amazing content that you can customize or just post as is!

+ Enjoy our simple Weekly Content Calendar to help you stay on track and build momentum online!

+Plus, easily delegate to your team so that they can schedule out your posts for you for more EASE and less STRESS!


Campaigns for Growth

✓Chiropractic for the Immune System





✓Chronic Pain and Fatigue

High Impact Mentorship in our Members Only Facebook Page

Enjoy weekly trainings and inspiration to keep your spirits high, get all the support you need, and make a lasting impact on your community all without killing yourself!

Social Media + How To Training for you and your team!

+ Strategy and Training for Increasing Engagement on Social Media

+ Identifying the pillars of your brand

+ Photography & Graphic Creation Tips

+ Tips & Tricks to sharing online

+ How to get your team onboard and running with you

+ How to capture Patient Testimonials & Share

+ Host in-person events

+ How to host Webinars/Online Classes

+ How to do Provider Outreach
